Intense Pulsed Light can provide a long term solution to facial problems such as red flushing (Rosacea), thread veins and red spots as well as unsightly leg veins, with minimal downtime or risk in just a few quick and easy treatments.

How does the treatment work?

Both Intense Pulsed Light and Laser systems emit light which is readily absorbed by blood vessels, heating them to a point where they are destroyed. Following treatment, the vessels quickly clear as they are reabsorbed by the body, leaving little or no trace of the original lesion.

Which types of veins can be treated?

Most red skin lesions including facial thread veins, rosacea, spider naevi, port wine stains are treated with Intense Pulsed Light, whereas leg veins up to 3mm in diameter are often treated with a Laser.

How is the treatment carried out?

For Intense Pulsed Light treatment a thin layer of chilled gel is applied to the skin to aid light absorption by the vessel. The light applicator is then placed on the skin and a short pulse of light is released. The applicator is then moved to the neighbouring area and the process is repeated until the entire area is treated. The chilled gel is removed and the area cooled. A similar process is carried out for laser treatment except the chilled gel is not required. During treatment, protective eye wear will be provided.

Am I suitable for treatment?

Treatment is suitable for most people, however, best results are obtained for those with fair skin, and there is less chance of side effects. The best response is seen with facial thread veins, spider naevi and rosacea. How does the treatment feel? Treatment is mildly uncomfortable but there is no need for anaesthesia and the procedure is actually quite quick. Sensations vary but most describe it as a very quick hot pin prick.

Are there any side effects?

After treatment the area may feel warm for a few hours. Rarely some delicate skin areas such as the cheeks or décolleté can be red and slightly swollen for up to 48 hours. Though very rare, there is a chance a small blister may form and there could be temporary lightening or darkening of the skin.

How long does each treatment take?

Treatments typically take from 15 to 45 minutes, depending on the type and size of lesion.

How many treatments are necessary?

Typically 3 to 5 treatments are needed for maximum results, though small lesions may clear in just a single session. Repeat treatments are spaced every 4 to 6 weeks.

Consultation Procedure

Prior to treatment you must first undergo a consultation where details about your medical history are obtained in order to confirm suitability. Before proceeding you will be asked to sign a consent form and undergo a test patch

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